Struggling To Find Consistency and Vitality On Your Healing Journey?

Learn new ways to wellbeing
that will leave you fully transformed
and empowered as the version of YOU
that you most desire!

Schedule Your Discovery Call Now!
Let's get authentic...

Does this sound like you?

  • You start and stop various 'healthy' habits, creating a rollercoaster in consistency.
  • Despite not feeling your best, you get told your 'labs look normal' or 'it is just age.'
  • You feel a deep desire for something more, but don't know what more IS or even how to try to find out.
  • You look to social media for inspiration only to feel more alone and overwhelmed. 
  • You look back to a time in which everything seemed more fun and you felt better and wonder how the disconnect happened.

You are NOT alone!

An American study found that only one in five people felt truly "happy and healthy." You read that right, one in five. After years of coaching people, I know that data to be accurate. We all want to feel our best, but are overwhelmed with how to actually feel BETTER. 

Imagine if 90 days from now you felt...

  • Deeply attuned to how to nourish your body in ways that brought you pleasure and energy
  • Conscious of your mindset and in control of your ability to respond to life instead of being reactive
  • Grounded in spiritual practices that grew your world-view and creativity 

The right support and guidance can make all the difference in finally becoming consistent. This program will support you in cultivating the vital health, passion, and purpose you most desire.   


The Holistic Hero's Journey

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A total holistic transformation to reach the consistency, empowered authenticity, and passionate purpose you've been seeking! 

The three track signature program will guide you through total MIND BODY SOUL transformation with the twelve Pillars Of Wellbeing. Each track will take you through four signature pillars of wellbeing, how to cultivate them in your life and remain consistent. You'll be mentored through: 

  • BODY- healthy spacious body, conscious nutrition, peaceful nervous system, rest/sleep
  • MIND- emotional intelligence, mindful presence, pleasurable purpose, authentic community  
  • SOUL- creative spirituality, in sync with nature, romantic life, ritualized sacred home 

This signature program is meant to support those of us who have tried so many different modalities and theories for our mind, body, and soul wellness, but still crave feeling empowered and secure in being THE HERO WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! 

Sign me up for our discovery call!

What's Included in

three months


How to maintain feeling healthy, confident, and energized while adjusting to new diagnoses and/or life changes. 

  • Eliminating restriction and inflammation to feel more spacious in the body
  • Using food as culinary medicine 
  • Attuning to our nervous system to assist the body in healing 
  • Establishing practices to nurture rest and deep sleep

"I've leveraged pro tips to help reach my ideal physique while enjoying a wider and wiser diet. It's not just what you eat, but how you eat it! I've learned intimately about balancing my gut and how food wears many hats...I feel in the prime of my life!"

three months


Become more conscious, in control of your mindset and ability to maintain growth.

  • Learn how to identify and navigate all emotional experiences 
  • Develop a mindfulness practice in day to day life
  • Identify your purpose through nurturing values and intuition
  • Authentically connect to world around you by breaking limiting beliefs 

"Through this program, I've nurtured a profound connection with myself—an authentic friendship. I now honor both my body and mind by embracing authenticity and being true to my emotions, accepting them as they come. I couldn’t be prouder of myself and the person I have become."

three months


By exploring the most under-valued aspect of total healing, we can cultivate a deep sense of our purpose and mission which will sustain our wellness more than anything else. 

  • Establish spiritual practices that are based on your curiosity and creativity
  • Connect to life's natural rhythms and finally stop 'swimming upstream'
  • Nurture your personal joy through romancing your life exactly as it is 
  • Turn your external world into a living altar that nurtures you on the deepest level 

"Amanda seamlessly guides people to understand and nourish their own unique magic in a sanctuary built to foster experimentation, discovery, and exploration. All that to say, the environment she provides is nothing short of a garden of art, tools, and nutrients where all you can do is bloom.”


I'm Amanda North

The Jungian term *Wounded Healer* is one of best ways to describe me and the work I am meant to do in this lifetime. To say I am passionate about MIND BODY SOUL wellness is an understatement. I am passionate not only because of my extensive knowledge of holistic health, but because I walk the path myself. 

I was a chronically ill child and teenager, but in my early twenties I was hospitalized with Toxic Shock Syndrome and almost lost my life. I survived a week in ICU, blood transfusions, pneumonia, and my organs almost shutting down, only to be let out of the hospital as a shell of my former-self. 

This is when I first turned to holistic health practices. From there, I have been diagnosed with two auto-immune disorders, Hashimoto's and Endometriosis, and had surgery for fibroids. While working with a variety of practitioners, I have tried countless diet and lifestyle remedies, surgery and medication, supplements, and a myriad of therapies. 

Yet, it was not until I began to see myself as the leader, the hero, of my health journey, that I truly found relief. I became more informed on what can cause disease, through a root-cause approach, and how to heal myself from a place of loving, conscious awareness.


"This is the first time in eight years I have slept through the entire night!"

"This has been life changing. My insides have not felt this good in as long as I can remember."


"I have regained control of my mind...the breath-work and journaling has changed my life."


What Makes This Program Unique:

  • After over a decade in academia, Amanda marries research to creativity in an invigorating way, a style totally unique to her
  • This program puts you as the expert of your health, not just a copy/paste of someone else's ideas
  • With a blend of psychology, multimodal holistic health, and creativity, you will see your health in a way you never have before
  • You can focus on any track first, based on your needs (some may start with BODY, others with SOUL)
  • You will feel total ownership over your transformation and it will lend to a consistency unlike other programs, due to the unique blend of Nuero-plasticity and creative therapies 






for 3 months




15% OFF, 9 months


In a thirty minute call (with free guided visualization), you will explore the program with Amanda and decide on the best plan for your overall needs and desires.