What does it mean to have a Creative Spirit?
What does it mean to be Sovereign over your life? Some key words and concepts from definition are: “to posses ultimate power; authority within a limited sphere; completely independent; a power given by divinity.” When we apply this concept to well-being, it takes on a unique meaning. Do you believe you have the authority over your life, an independence as your divine right?
Now this wouldn’t mean you wouldn’t have a spiritual practice in which you work with a Higher Power. It more so means that you believe you have the responsibility and privilege to be sovereign over the limited sphere of yourself. This would mean you take radical responsibility for your one wild and precious life.
So often, we don’t realize what we give ultimate power to in our life, fear or perfectionism, unconsciously removing ourselves as the sovereign creative director.
True power, if we listen to the archetypal themes of the greatest myths, is one earned not born. Every person I have met, on the page and in real life, who possess a kind of regal nature of sovereign confidence (yes King, yes Queen) has a truly epic hero’s story of rising from the ashes of pain, humiliation, deep grief, and failure. Somehow, these types of people have turned their lost battles to deep purpose and significance. It is an undeniable power to possess.
They also have deeply creative spiritual lives, highly unique to their needs, journey, and curiosities. After all, Kings/Queens lead the way, create the movements. A true cornerstone to someone’s sense of well-being and individualism is their relationship to their Spirit. Often, it is in these moments of rising from the ashes that we must confront our own Spirit, to reckon and atone for ever denying the significance, and come to a language and practice all our own.
This is why Creative Spirit is a foundational pillar to assessing our wellbeing.
Spirituality is defined as a quest to find meaning in the human experience, loosely tied to religious values and rituals. Creativity is defined as using the imagination to create original ideas.
A Creative Spirit is developing a unique set of practices and beliefs to help you on your life-long quest of finding meaning.
This can be tied to a religious practice from your upbringing, a new religion you found as an adult, or deeply intuitive. It can be as formal as attending a weekly religious service, a daily walking meditation, volunteering to feed the hungry, reading tarot, writing poetry, gardening. The thing about a creative spirit, is that you define what has meaning and what doesn't in your own quest of being human. It can formal, informal, pagan, ancestral, scientific. It just has to be YOU.